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Home Industrial Relations Summer Jobs & Internships

Summer Jobs & Internships

Chemical industry companies offer apprenticeships, internships, and summer job opportunities for students and school pupils. Chemistry is one of Finland’s most significant industrial sectors, providing solutions to numerous global challenges for a better life.

The chemical industry is in constant need for new talent – from trained professionals to fresh and motivated students from different schools. Companies in the industry offer apprenticeships, internships and summer jobs. In 2023 the member companies of The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland had approximately 2500 summer jobs to offer. Are you the next newcomer to change the world?

The chemical industry offers a variety of summer job opportunities for elementary and high school students. The best way to find job openings is by contacting companies directly or checking out their websites. You can also do a short term internship for underaged students in the chemical industry.

The sector has its own training program (“Tutustu työelämään ja tienaa”) which offers hands-on work experience in the chemical industry, how companies operate, about different job functions and the job opportunities the industry has to offer. You can apply for summer internships directly through the companies. Internship periods last either two weeks or 10 working days. The summer internships take place between June 1 – August 31 in 2023-2025.

The chemical industry offers a variety of educational and working opportunities for vocational students. Kemianteollisuus tarjoaa monipuolisia opinto- ja uramahdollisuuksia ammatillisille osaajille – prosessiteollisuudesta lasinpuhallukseen ja laboratoriotyöhön. Myös oppi- tai koulutussopimuksella voi työllistyä kemianteollisuuteen. Voit kysyä lisää oppisopimus- ja koulutussopimuksista omalta oppilaitokseltasi tai olemalla yhteydessä suoraan sinua kiinnostavaan yritykseen.

From the Chemical Industry’s Summer Job Calculator, you can discover summer job opportunities within the field. We require professional expertise even during the summer months.

The chemical industry offers diverse and meaningful summer job and internship opportunities for university students. The work experience gained during your studies is a valuable part of your future career path. Through summer employment, you can find yourself working alongside your studies. For instance, conducting your thesis or dissertation for our industry is also a possibility.

You can find summer jobs, internships, as well as thesis opportunities in the chemical industry by directly contacting companies that interest you. The Chemical Industry Summer Job Calculator aggregates positions from industry companies onto a single page – check it out here! Your university can also assist you in finding a summer job or internship position.