Sami Nikander: Europe’s sustainable future depends on its industrial policy
The European Chemical Industry has set its 8-point vision for the future of Europe and its successful, competitive chemical industry in 2050.
The European Chemical Industry has set its 8-point vision for the future of Europe and its successful, competitive chemical industry in 2050. We believe that it is impossible to build a better future for Europe without a successful European chemical industry.
We invite everyone to join us on our journey towards a cleaner, safer, more circular, digital, innovative, competent and climate neutral chemical industry, which will hold its position as one of the largest export industries, and by doing that, also ensuring the wellbeing of the European citizens.
The Finnish chemical industry has taken its commitment even one step further by setting an ambitious goal to be carbon neutral by 2045. The practises in the roadmap towards carbon neutrality are partly based on the voluntary Responsible Care sustainability programme for the Finnish chemical industry.
We strive to achieve carbon neutrality by reducing our carbon footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and by increasing our carbon handprint through products and solutions that reduce the customers’ emissions. Finding alternative raw materials, using new and innovative technologies, seizing the principles of circular economy and finding the right competence all play an important role in this process.
To be able to do all this, we will need to develop, together with policy-makers, an industrial policy which makes the “European Green Deal” possible and ensures better implementation of the European Single Markets and assures the global competitiveness of the European industry. It is important that the EU adopts and implements an ambitious industrial policy that takes an integrated approach to all the relevant EU policy areas. We must foster European competitiveness and long-term global leadership. We propose a forward-looking industrial policy to become one of the main objectives of the EU leaders in order to achieve sustainable growth and climate mitigation targets. European leadership in industry must be enforced. Europe should lead the way to climate neutrality and sustainable energy systems. Industrial policy should also include relevant elements ensuring innovations and investments. They are the key to future success, together with ensuring a high level of skills and competence.
Let´s make sustainable future happen, we can do it – together.
Sami Nikander