Responsible Care sustainability programme’s website launched

Responsible Care is the chemical industry’s voluntary sustainability programme. The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland has coordinated the implementation of the programme in Finland since 1992. Now Responsible Care has a website showcasing the work done in Finland:
The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland has launced a website for the Responsible Care programme in Finland. Visit the website to learn about the key themes, achievements and goals of the programme. The site also shares stories of the responsibility work done in companies.
In the Responsible Care programme, corporate responsibility is based on strong interaction and clear goals. In Finland, 98 companies have committed to the programme, representing some 80 % of all production in the Finnish chemical industry. During the 27 years that Responsible Care has been in action in Finland, accidents have been reduced by 90 %, energy consumption by 20 %, water consumption by 59 % and greenhouse gas emissions by 34 %.