Security of Supply
The Chemical Pool is responsible for, in accordance with an agreement between the Finnish Security of Supply Center, the Chemical Industry Federation, the Finnish Pharma Industry, the Cosmetic and Hygiene Industry, the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries, and the Finnish Association of Color Industry, ensuring preparedness within its own field for serious disruptions and exceptional circumstances. The pool consists of the leading pool committee, the pool office, and the industry companies.
The operation of the pool is focused on critical chemical industry production, which is essential for securing society’s vital functions. In practice, this entails ensuring the availability of chemical products necessary for essential societal functions, including food, energy, healthcare, and military defense, in times of disruption and emergencies. Additionally, the planning of operations takes into consideration the needs of critical infrastructure and the transportation sector within society.
The pool’s mission is to investigate, plan, and prepare measures for enhancing supply security in the chemical sector.
Services Offered by the Pool
- The consortium annually organizes current security of supply seminars and readiness exercises that delve deeply into various themes.
- The consortium supports companies in enhancing their production continuity.
- It provides companies with various tools for continuity or risk management, as well as related training, free of charge.
- Member companies of the consortium are offered extended support and guidance from the Communications Regulatory Authority in current cybersecurity issues, following a 24/7/365 principle. Additionally, participating companies gain access to the extended cybersecurity information distribution from the Cyber Security Centre.
The Pool maintains a chemical database that assesses the use and production of chemicals in our country and creates a situational awareness of the chemical industry and its various sectors for security of supply. Based on its assessments and the results of preparedness exercises, the chemical pool makes proposals for the implementation of necessary development projects.
The Pool primarily invites companies that are deemed critical for security of supply to participate in its activities. If a company considers its production to be critical either as a final product or as part of the value chain, even during societal disruptions or emergencies, the company can contact the office of the Chemical Pool, which operates within the Chemical Industry Federation. Based on the company’s proposal, it may be accepted as a member of the pool.
The Pool does not collect participation fees, membership fees, or joining fees from the companies involved, and participation in all of the pool’s seminars or exercises is free of charge.
Fuel Pool and Gas Pool for Security of Supply
The Pools are responsible for preparedness and contingency planning in the fuel and natural gas sectors for serious disruptions and emergencies. Their mission is to enhance the security of supply in these industries.
The Pool is a collaborative body involving industry authorities and companies that develop security of supply in the sector by providing training, organizing exercises, and coordinating development projects. Companies critical to security of supply participate in the Pools’ activities. Participation does not require companies to pay participation fees, membership fees, or any other charges. Seminars and courses are free, but participants cover their own travel and related expenses. The Chemical Industry Federation and the National Emergency Supply Agency (Huoltovarmuuskeskus) have agreed to place the Fuel Pool and Gas Pool activities within the Chemical Industry Federation.
The Fuel Pool’s scope includes not only oil products but also bio-based fuels. The sector includes refining and import of fuel, distribution, storage, and transportation. The Pool Committee also includes representatives from industry authorities and the defense forces.
The Gas Pool’s scope covers a wide range of new energy and raw material gases as well as opportunities created by infrastructure and open gas markets. The sector includes the import and transmission of energy gases, production, distribution, and sales. The Pool Committee also includes representatives from end-users of gases.
The practical operations of the Pools are managed by the Chemical Industry Federation, which receives full compensation from the National Emergency Supply Agency for its work. A representative from the Chemical Industry Federation is also a member of the Pool Committees for both Pools.

Jouko Kinnunen
Manager, Security of supply +358 40 0569 700 jouko.kinnunen(a)kemianteollisuus.fi Show info