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Agreements covering 37,000 employees in the Road Transport and Oil Products Sectors approved

The boards of the Employers’ Federation of Road Transport (ALT), Oil Products Association, and Finnish Transport Workers’ Union (AKT) approved on Friday, February 28, the negotiated agreements for the truck transport sector, bus personnel, tanker and oil products sector, service and repair shops, terminal operations, and bus stations.

The agreements are valid from February 26, 2025, to January 31, 2028, with the final year being terminable. The wage increases follow the general export sector settlement, totaling 7.8 percent over three years, with an 8 percent cost impact on wages during the contract period.

The agreements cover 37,000 employees.

– We have engaged in constructive and positive negotiations since December, and in the end, a solution was reached through negotiations, which was a responsible outcome in the current evolving labor market situation, says Mari Vasarainen, CEO of the Employers’ Federation of Road Transport.

– It is great that the agreement was reached through negotiations. It brings stability and predictability to business operations, says Jenni Nisametdin, advisor of the Oil Product Association.


Mari Vasarainen
Employers’ Federation of Road Transport
+358 40 511 6959

Jenni Nisametdin
Oil Product Association
+358 44 553 2853