Chemical industry needs diverse skills sets and provides information on career opportunities for future professionals in Finland – Jobs that change the world

The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland has launched a website designed especially for pupils, students, and teachers on January 2021. The website, “Jobs that change the world”, provides information about chemistry and the chemical industry, studies, career stories, summer jobs and innovations. The Finnish version of the website (Maailmaa muuttavia töitä) has received an enthusiastic response.
Now an English translation has been launched, Jobs that change the world. It contains translations of specific Finnish subjects as well as new material tailored for non-Finnish-speakers. Career stories presents international talents who have created versatile careers in the Finnish chemical industry.
– Our companies have a shortage of talents. It is vital to provide information on studies and career opportunities in chemistry in order to build a link between interested students and companies. Immigrants and international talents are important to the chemical industry and companies. I’m thrilled we can now provide information in English, says Auli Piiparinen, advisor, Skills and Competence.
Both web sites are under constant development. Is your company interested in being featured? Please contact Auli Piiparinen, tel. 040 751 8344,